Full game update!

Hello everyone! It's been a few months. I've finally added the last few missing images to the game, replaced some of the worse art in the original, and updated it to a current narrat version, meaning saving and loading should work fine now!

Dialogue has been added, and two of the endings have been rebalanced. I've gone through and edited it very lightly, so parts of the game are less clunky now. It's still the same story, but with a shinier coat of paint!
Many thanks to everyone who gave the game a shot! I'm working on more at the moment (Inluding a possible sequel - more on that when university calms down), but this will be last update on this game for the foreseeable future, barring catastrophic bugs.
Special thanks to those of you who were kind enough to leave a comment, or message me on social media about the game! It really touches my heart!
Special thanks also to my dad, who said it was "like Stephen King," and my friend J's grandmother, who said it reminded her of the steel mill she used to work near, because it "used to turn the sky red with fire," and that Emily "deserves what she got for not preparing properly."

All my best,
Mia Cain


Two Women in Trouble - v1.0.0 287 MB
Jan 24, 2023

Get Will This Bitter Night Bring Change? - Two Women in Trouble


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I've also been thinking of eventually compiling the sketches I made for the game. Would anyone be interested in a free digital artbook of sorts? Please let me know!
